I can’t figure out if the checklist is getting longer or shorter; let’s see:
- Cover design – latest revisions done, back cover copy sent …
- Blurb – version 4,972 (approximately) done, and – I’m actually happy with it!
- Publicity – chase the publicist, read the latest proposal: done
- Another call with the publicist – next week, I hope.
- Wrestle with CreateSpace to produce a proof copy – nope; maybe tomorrow, depending on work.
- Author bio – done; including the 25-30 word version. Think it works…
- Find out if I need to set up another company to do the publishing: question asked; we’ll see.
- Figure out a name for this company – I’m toying with Ridgeview Press; what do we think? (I just checked; I can find one reference to a company called Ridgeview Press. Hmmm…)
And those are only the things I can remember which need to be done.
Also, I’d quite like to do some writing some time soon…